
Day 5 - The Ongoing Saga

The tiredness has not let up. All I want to do is sit on the couch under a blanket. The cravings keep coming and going so apparently Day 5 is a big detox day for me. I seem to be having tiny bursts where I feel great and have resolve, but for the most part today I have just wanted food. I know it's not an option. I do not want to let myself down, but I hate hate hate the feeling of being deprived of food. I know it is only psychological, but it certainly sucks.

I am going to skip yoga tonight and just go home make the bed and then get comfy clothes on. Make some lemonade and curl up on the couch. I think that is all I am up for today.

Today has had a lot of introspection as well as the other detox symptoms. I think I need to work on forgiving myself for things that have happened in the past. I also don't miss drinking alcohol at all. I am looking forward to experiencing the club and parties and things without it. That is very strange for me, but very important as well. I don't miss anything other than eating. I have never felt like that before. Times, they are a-changing!

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