
Day Five (In Which Veronica is Dragging)

I promise I will stop with the (un)catchy bylines as soon as this cleanse is over. I'll have better post titles. Really. I will.

I slept pretty well last night until I woke up at 5:00 to go pee. I dozed until S's alarm went off and then downed my SWF at 6:16. Dozed again until about 6:40 then had to go. Thought I was doing fine so went back to doze until 7. Well apparently that was not in the cards, because as soon as I dozed off I had a little accident. I mean VERY small, but enough to make me levitate out of the bed and to the bathroom. Argh, that hasn't happened before. Oh well, it was really no big deal to clean up. Guess I need to be more careful with the SWF in the future. Now we will have clean sheets, LOL.

I managed to keep up with my dry skin brushing (DSB) and my Neti Pot this morning. I wonder if the DSB is kicking my detox up a notch? Because I am very glad it's Friday as I am beat today. I am just dragging. I could go back to sleep right now with no problem at all. I am very ready for the weekend to let my body detox in peace and comfort. I am excited to just relax before school starts as well because this is probably my last weekend to relax the whole time. Next weekend is the party at the Phatty house and the weekend after that is XMortis Apocalypse. Then classes start. Whew.

I have some stuff that I need to do like organize my bookshelves and perhaps put some clothes away that don't fit me right now. Oh, and I need to finish S and my filing before school starts for sure as I do not want to have to deal with disorganisation while studying. That will drive me crazy. At least the taxes are done.

I have been craving food all morning. I really want a good Everything bagel, toasted, with Smoked Salmon cream cheese. Or anything right now really. I think it's because I am tired. I want to go take a nap, but alas, that is not in the cards. Oh well. Maybe later. Oh I am so looking forward to curling up under a blanket and reading or knitting or colouring. Yes I said colouring. I still love to colour and probably always will.

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