
Day Two (In Which Veronica is Cold)

So being the smart girl that I am, I brought today's SWF to bed with me last night. I only got up once and that was just to go pee. I slept the night away and then woke up when S's alarm went off the second time at 6:09 and did my SWF and then cuddled a bit before he had to get up and go to work. I decided to go use the restroom around 6:40 and the SWF was definitely more productive today. Some slightly solid BMs but a good deal of liquid too. So the cleansing starts in earnest.

I then went back to bed and wrote in my analog journal (I know, how archaic) for a bit and listened to a pod cast of two yoga teachers that I find really interesting and soothing. They are pretty entertaining in a yoga sorta way. Check them out here:
http://www.mudramoments.com/. Then around 7:30 I got up to shower and such. I really want to add dry skin brushing to my morning routine, but I was too cold this morning. More eliminations of the primarily watery kinda and they stunk to high heaven. Egads I must have some toxic sludge up in there, LOL.

Packed up and headed to work and it was a cold cold walk. I just couldn't get warm even after I got to the office. I finally had a cup of mint tea around 3:00 to try and get a little warm but that only lasted a bit. A goodly amount of eliminations during the day. I got a little bored at one point but started reading online and distracted myself.

When I got home it was time to call my school. A little bit of background: I had been enrolled at the Australasian College of Health Sciences about a year and a half ago to get my diploma in Holistic Healthcare. Then some things happened in my life that I had to deal with and I had to drop out after only completing my certificate in Natural bodycare and herbalism; a very basic course. Basically I finished one course of the whole program and then dropped out. I am not proud of that. At all. But I also can't change it. There was simply too much crap in my life at that point and I wasn't in school for myself. I'm not sure what I was doing there. Things are much much different now. I am thrilled to be going back. I spoke to my admissions advisor and completed my interview and registration and should be starting class on March 16th.

I have to bone up on the material in the last course I took again, however, because I have to take proving exams for that course. That shouldn't be a big deal though and will kick start me back into school-mode.

I am still really cold. After I got off the phone with the school, S and I went and cuddled in our room under the blankets so I could perhaps warm up. It worked for a little bit, but alas I got cold again. Tonight was game night for S and the roommate and their friends, so around 8:30 everyone showed up and I went to go make my juice and clean the kitchen.

Now I am having my Smooth Move tea and am looking forward to curling up in bed with a book and dozing off. I am glad I use the Oil Cleansing Method (OCM) on my face because it involves super-hot water which might warm me back up.

I am super psyched about school because once I get my diploma and complete my yoga teacher training I can be a consultant and finally be doing what I want with my life. But for now, I will enjoy the journey to that point. Big sigh of relief all around.

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